Susie Smith

Whenever the local teenagers of Jonesville gathered around a campfire, or perhaps a bonfire, the legend of the Wheelchair Man was always told.

But to some teenagers, it was not simply a legend.

There are many stories about the encounters between Jonesville locals and the Wheelchair Man, but the most famous one was about sixteen-year-old Susie Smith: his very first victim.

Susie Smith was a very kind person; so kind, in fact, that when she saw the Wheelchair Man in the grocery store, struggling to reach something on the top shelf, she couldn't help but assist him, and so a friendship formed.

Months later, she ran home to her mother, excited to tell her the news that, miraculously, Wheelchair Man had gathered the strength to stand up out of his chair (if only for a brief period, but nonetheless, Susie was still excited)!

The next morning, Susie was found dead in the square, strangled to death.

Next to her sat the Wheelchair Man's infamous chair.

The town of Jonesville soon came to a conclusion: this terrible man was pretending to be in a wheelchair in order to grow close with the locals and soon after killing them, one by one.

And so at every retelling of Susie Smith's horrific story, a warning is always given at the end: if you ever happen upon the Wheelchair Man, you must run.

Run like how Susie Smith tried to.

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