Submitted by Grégorienne
Write a free verse poem on books.
Free verse is poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and does not rhyme with fixed forms.
Cover to cover pulsating with intelligence
It is at your finger tips
What was once a relic, now sits in pixels under glass screens
Imagination, street smarts and dreams
A paper jungle
With leather doors
The absence of materialism, a sweet solitude in the tainted march of society, a manhole for the passion of gods
Deep cut ink in veins of poets
Masterminds from the deepest regions of time
A small dosage of what it’s like to think and breathe
As a writer tips their head onto paper
A gush of liquid rich with the power of knowing
a colourful juice with the most potent taste
Can be so easily dried by the wittering of morbid censorship
All of a mans life can be wrapped up in page after page
Diaries of business men, country folk and the less fortunate
Letter after letter, page after page
Eyes dart between dark idols, misshapen by the beating drum of time
The rich the poor, the mentally ill and the fathers of fascists
All beings have a song
A song that can prosper and dance in the woven grain of paper
Solitude, in a little outlet us people like to call