Submitted by E. Wong

"I can't believe you're going with her!"

Write a story that includes this line of speech.

It’s All Over

Cami smiles mockingly as she climbs into the car in front of me.

Tyler looks at me, his eyes flashing with pain.

“I can’t believe your going with her,” I whisper, the cool breeze blowing my dress.

“You’ve been gone,” Tyler response, his voice cracking.

I nod, looking away from his eyes, “And you’ve changed.”

“People change-Things change.”

Yeah, that explains everything. I guess what Tyler felt for me all those years ago was in my head. All our laughs, smiles, even our cries.

“Yeah, I guess they do,” I shut my eyes, trying to block the tears, the tears that I can only cry when I’m alone. Sitting next to my window, wishing that I had never left.

“You left Elena. Without saying anything. You can’t come back here and expect everything to be the same. Life doesn’t stop just because your lost,” Tyler speaks like he knows it all. Like he could tell me my future. There’s no need, I can see it right here. Right in front of me.

“Yeah well, I just never thought it would come to this.”

It hurts like crazy looking at Tyler, we went from best friends to strangers. He went from someone I know to someone I knew.

“You can’t expect me to want you anymore. Like I said people change,” Tyler wasn’t trying to go soft on me, was he. I guess that’s something I should like, no sugar coating. Just the straight truth.

“I’m sorry I left, but I’m here now,” the tears have pushed through, I’ve let my guard down. And now I’m only weak, and hopeless.

“Elena, your stuck in the past. And here I am standing in front of you. And your so lost in your past you can’t even see me. I’m right here.”

I shook my head. Tyler’s pericing gaze freezing time.

“I’m not stuck,” I managed to say.

Tyler’s eyes soften, but still hold me frozen.

“This is it. It’s over. We’re over.”

I nod, lifting my hand to my mouth, the scream that wants to escape is pulling me down, “It’s over,” I echo. Even though we both know it was over the day I jumped in my car and ran away.

“Just stop,” Tyler whispered his voice so shaky I could barely understand him, “I leave you, I break your heart. I make you want to run. And you keep coming back to me. You always find someone else to blame. Always.”

I looked into his eyes, a fire rising in my chest, “You want me to blame you?” I asked, my voice loud, “Easy. Done.”

I raise my arms to my side. “You ruined everything. Tyler, again.”

“Thank you!” Tyler yells, his eye so hard I can barely speak.

“You make me think I’m wrong when I’m right. You make me run when I want to stay. You say its forever when nothing is. And you know why I keep coming back,” I paused my eyes stuck on his, “Because I love you!”

Tyler, grabbed my raised arm, his face inches from mine, “Then stop loving me,” he forced through gritted teeth.

His eyes melted me, I felt the same thing I felt the first day I had met him. The lingering feeling that everything is okay. Even when you know it’s not. The feeling when your safe, when there’s a knife held up to your throat. Feeling like your happy when you’ve been crying all night.

“I can’t,” I closed my eyes, letting the tears slide down my cheek.

“It’s over,” Tyler whispered, he’d said it already but this felt final. More final then before.

“It’s been over this whole time,” I choked out through sobs.

Tyler let my arm fall to my side. His eyes shining with regret.

“It’s over,” I whispered to myself, watching as he shut the door, driving away.

“It’s all over.”

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