Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Uncomfortable = Comfortable

(Lila) May 1, 2024

God, I hate Noah! He is so annoying and I can't stand him! Today during our lecture, he locked eyes with me and smiled! What a pervert. I know that he is just trying to make me uncomfortable. From now on whenever he smiles at me, I will bring it up to our Professor. Hah, that'll teach him a lesson.

(Noah) May 1, 2024

Oh god, I hope our Professor didn't notice that. I read somewhere that if you smile at a girl, she'll like you. I guess not. Why doesn't she like me? Am I smiling wrong? I've liked Lila for 4 months now and I haven't done anything about it. I don't have the guts to confess, but oh how I want to tell her so bad. What if she rejects me? Maybe I should stop with the smiling and try something else.

(Lila) May 2, 2024

He should have kept to the smiling. I thought I couldn't hate Noah any more than I already have, but I stand corrected. Noah decided to sit next to me during our lecture today! I was so uncomfortable, but I couldn't move! All the other seats were taken by the time I decided I wanted to move. What does this guy want?

(Noah) May 2, 2024

I just want Lila to like me. Is that hard for her to understand? I tried sitting next to her today, but that just made everything worse. I can't seem to get her to like me, or any girl for that matter. Maybe I should just give up on her.

(Lila) May, 9 2024

He's gone! Noah stopped acting so weird around me! What a relief. I actually think he switched classes because he hasn't showed up this past week. Maybe our Professor noticed how uncomfortable I was and told him to leave.

(Noah) May 9, 2024

I had to leave. I had to get out of that class so I could make these feelings go away. It was so heartbreaking. But, maybe there is another girl out there for me.


(Noah) June 9, 2024

Turns out, there is another girl for me! Her name is Sandra and she is the girl of my dreams. I was swept away by her beauty and her personality. When we met, it was like finding the missing piece to my own puzzle. The everlasting feelings I had for Lila are all gone and I couldn't be happier!

(Lila) June 9, 2024

I couldn't be any more miserable. No it's fine. I saw Noah with this girl who I assume is his girlfriend. But, I'm not mad. Not at all. Or am I? Maybe the reason I was so uncomfortable was because I liked Noah.


Well, that was the truth anyways. I was just too uncomfortable to tell anyone.

Not even you.

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