Beyond the river
The land is barren. There is nobody out, except wilderness and wild creatures, who can surprise us and kill any one of us.
In this state of mind, we came up to the shores of the river and wondered what our next move should be. Shall we take the plunge in the river with whatever we had or we just make this wilderness our last resting home.
We could just about see, the trees, the grass much more greener and inviting than where we are standing. Lets take the plunge, one said, there is no life here. If we don't keep moving we will be the prey of these wild creatures, the other one said.
As a leader of the pack, it all fall on me to decide as what to do. I asked them one question, we don't know the depth of the river, we also don't know if we would survive crossing, are you all OK with this. After their unanimous answer in yes, we finally took that plunge and crossed the river to the other side.