Inspired by Shadow Queen
'I've created a monster'...
Write a poem that is centred around this line.
Another painful night, another toxic drag
The fumes consume my lungs entirely.
Like clammy hands wrapped tightly around my chest
Clutching, squeezing all the vim and vigour out.
I walk, dazed, under the blinding moonlight
Blink, and it's neon motel signs and cracked windowpanes.
I don't know if I stumble in, or if the stifling miasma
Swallows me whole, and I am
Spit out into the
Maws of the devil.
But perhaps
I am the devil itself
For I paralyse a gaggle of children
Fix them with my cruel gaze, hard as a box of nails
And sharp as one too. They blench under its steely force.
My tongue flicks out- savours the stench of smoke I call
home. Relishes the sickly notes of copper and sodium
That stain chapped, frozen lips. My own, as is the blood.
But it belongs to others all the same, for it only flows
By virtue of that being drained from other bodies.
Other healthy, happy, innocent bodies. Not people.
Stripping them of soul and spirit, reducing them to mere
Names on paper
Flesh slick with blood, run through with knives
Gripped by calloused hands. Hands foisting the same doom
Onto others. The viciousness perpetuates. Feeds on itself
And festers, spreads, like some virulent parasite.
Tonight, I act as an instrument. Unveil weapons
Like they’re some grotesque masterpiece. Instructions
Etched onto my hardened pupils,
Which know remorse, sympathy or emotion, no more.
A tiny girl emerges. Grabs, stabs, and it's done.
Sanguinary, but she triumphs in its gore, and I know then
I've created a monster...