Write a few entries of a captain’s log that is found washed up on the shore.
What kind of story can you reveal through this form of narrative?
It Starts With Love (It Ends With Death)
Day 1-
I've finally got my ship ready! I promised myself I would start a captain's log once I fixed this beauty. The engine just needs a little polishing and it will be good to go. I'll ask Bo and Sul to do it. Probably.
Everyone is too excited and it would be a matter of time before G and Scar messes something up. They always do that. What nincompoops.
Day 2-
We set sail today! Scar fell down the ship. G pushed him (obviously). G also messed up the engine (I had called it) but it's fine now.
We named the ship! It's called Floatie. Or Floatie Boatie. I don't know. It sounds funny. Fibi for short. I like it.
I imagine us being in the history books and all the kids trying not to laugh at a ship named Floatie Boatie. It's going to be amazing.
Day 3-
Bo got burned. It is going to be okay though. The boilers had faulty metal so Scar overlayed it with copper and then thick birch wood. It's fine.
Sul knitted carpet. G took a long bath and then helped Sul make the carpet. G can knit pretty good. We ate fruits with Bo lying in bed. It was peaceful.
Day 5-
G is sick. There are red spots in his back. 2 exactly, right at the end of the shoulder blades. He is laying in bed moaning and groaning from pain.
Bo is comforting him but I can't hear it. It sends the shivers and chills down your spine.
I don't know what to do.
Day 10-
There is something moving underneath his skin. We think it's a parasite. G wants to die. He's pleading. I can't do this.
Day 15-
It's wings! They are very rare among humans and we are so happy.
They are like a parrot's, red, yellow, green and blue, exactly in that order.
We like to run our hands along them sometimes. Especially Bo. It's very soft.
Fibi is doing exceptionally well. The wind is very pleasant. Scar likes to climb up the mast and scream profanities like in the pirate movies. He almost fell down once.
Day 17-
Today, G flew.
It was beautiful. He looked so happy. The wind was fast. He climbed on to the mast and flew around the ship.
We whooped and clapped. The engine is okay, but the birch is cracking. We need to more wood. We are searching for land now.
Day 20-
G took the lightest member on the fly (It was Bo). Scar whined for an hour so G took him to fly too.
It started raining so he didn't take us.
Day 25-
It's raining heavily. There is a hole in the deck thanks to Sul and G. We need to find land. Now.
Day 30-
It's been a month.
The attempts at covering the hole has promptly failed. We need sturdier wood. Dark oak if we can get it, but not birch. Birch did not work. We are far from our starting land so going back is out of the option.
The spyglass can only see so far.
I wish I had prepared better.
Day 33-
G is going to scout for land. The rain has tore through the deck and it's flooding. We are trying our best to cover it up and prevent the red stone being washed away.
Bo fought with G against going to scout. He's worried. We all are. The rain is faster and the water is fierce.
I'm scared
Day 34-
G is missing. He told us he would be back yesterday. Sul and I fought against Scar and Bo. They insisted they go to rescue G.
I don't want to loose all of them.
I relented and they are leaving in a boat.
I'm scared
Day 36-
They are back. G is nearly dead from hypothermia and infected cuts. Bo is not leaving his bedside.
They've found oak wood and are fixing the deck.
Sul made hot food for us. He tried to cheer us all up but the atmosphere is grim.
Day 38-
G woke up today.
I'm so happy. Bo is in practically skipping around. He has the biggest grin I've seen.
Sul made hot meal for us and we laughed and shared stories.
It was a good day.
Day 40-
We found luminescent squids today.
It was beautiful.
We watched them at night. The breeze was cool and pleasant. Scar called them glow squids. They danced around and the light was something out of this world. Soft blue. It was a peaceful night.
Day 43-
Scar fell from the mast and broke his ankle. It was a clean break and could be easily fixed but G flew him around the ship to cheer them up.
I have such good friends.
Day 45-
Bo and Sul jump scared me today. They were under the bed and tackled me.
G and Scar ran into my room and jumped into my bed tackling all of us.
We laughed and they chased me around the room.
It was my birthday.
Day 50-
Wow. I can't believe it's already been 50 days. I miss land, but the sea is better.
Day 53-
Our supplies are dwindling and we are searching for civilization. We aren't in hurry though. A little rationing and we'll be near land soon enough.
Day 55-
I discovered a hole in Fibi during checkups. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Half the food is soiled and no amount of fishing is producing food.
They are trying to console me.
It won't work. It's my fault.
Day 57-
We are tired and sick. Scar and Bo are constantly on the lookout for land. G is laying in bed. Sul is retreating to the engine to fix 'something'. That's his excuse but I can see his haggard looks and hollow cheekbones.
Day 58-
We spotted a ship! Hopefully they'll help us. Bo is calling me. I need to go.
Day 60-
Help. Whoever gets this. Please.
Day 66-
We survived.
They attacked us. Cannons blew a mast off. They also blew a hole in our ship.
Ravagers almost killed us all. Huge monsters, as big as elephants with thick skin.
G saved us, after Bo went down unconscious. Sul aided us while I watched helpless. G distracted them, while Sul shot them down one by one.
When they all died, we went to the ship to investigate. The human crew was mangled and dead. They were dead for a long time and we deducted that the ravagers were controlling the ship.
I vomited. Sul thinks it was an experiment gone wrong.
We pillaged the food and rowed away from the haunted ship as quick as possible.
Day 68-
Bo had hidden the severity of his injuries.
He's dying.
Day 70-
Bo is dead.
G hasn't come out of Bo's room the entire day. He's grieving terribly.
I couldn't save him.
Day 75-
A storm hit. G looked like death. But we stopped Fibi from capsizing.
Day 77-
Scar and G fought. They cried afterwards, holding each other.
Day 80-
Something attacked the ship. A huge monster. We were loosing but G distracted it. A Kraken, Scar had said, the most feared monster of the sea. A myth to most.
The myth attacked us.
G distracted it from Fibi, just like he had done with the Ravagers. He killed the myth.
But this time, he was dragged down with it.
Day 81-
Sul found his body, the vibrant, now bloodstained feathers floated in the sea. Scar sobbed over him. A piece of leather was clasped in his dead fingers.
He requested us to burn him and Bo together.
The fact that he'd been planning to die made us sob even harder.
Day 82-
They look so peaceful, laying together, side by side.
We burn them and scatter their ashes across the sea.
I hope they are happy wherever they are now.
Day 85-
We don't eat for days. The supplies are dwindling and we need to find land. But no one wants to move.
The loss weighs us down.
Day 87-
We eat, little by little. The sun is bright and the wind is pleasant and I hate it. It feels wrong, as if the world is mocking us for our loss.
I think I'm loosing myself.
Day 90-
There is something wrong with the engine. It's overheating. Sul inspected it and told me that something is inside it. I told him not to touch it.
Day 92-
The birch is cracking. Scar is covering it up with an alloy of iron and copper. He put some loops of wood around it to hold it together.
Day 95-
The birch has cracked and broken. We have got no more copper. The mess is held together by sheer will.
Day 97-
Sul, against my orders tried to pull the thing out.
It exploded and a piece of metal went straight through his heart.
We burned and honored him. Scar locked himself up and I cried.
Only we are left. All alone.
Day 99-
Scar didn't come out even today. I went in to his room.
I found his emaciated body.
I cried over him and the world cried with me.
I burned him.
I had lost everyone.
Day 100-
It's been so long since I set upon this journey.
I am in my room and fire is raging over me.
Lightning had struck and I did nothing to stop it.
I will put you in a bottle now and leave you to find land. I will now go outside and watch my ship burn.
I will die with it. I will die with a bang.
May history remember us. What we found what we lost. What it started with and with it ended with.
This has been Captain Pearl. Over and Out.
Pearl stands on the deck, majestic, a leader. The fire illuminates her brave face. It rages on and even as the fire catches her, she stands, fearless.
A tear rolls down her cheek. Bo, G, Sul, Scar, Fibi.
And now her.
They'll be together now. They'll go on all the voyages, all the adventures, laughing and dancing. But best of all together.
The world watches her burn.
And she watches back.
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