Your character intentionally leads someone on a wild goose chase. Write a story about the experience.

Why might this character want to delay or fool someone?

Car Chase

"SLOW DOWN!" "Slow down? We're in the middle of a car chase, no way in hell I am slowing down!" "Well at least try and follow basic road safety laws!" "Did you not hear me? We're in the niddle of a car chase!" "Car chase. Oh my God, dont remind me. Why did I agree to this again?" "Because Paulina, you are my best friend and support me in all my life decisions; including stealing a car and running away from the cops." "We are sooo getting arrested." "Don't worry, we'll lose the cops soon enough." "Yeah, with your excellent driving and manovering skills." "C'mon my driving isn't that bad." "Yes! Yes it is!"
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