
Write a love poem to yourself.

For Me ❤️

here’s some things to know about me:

people think i’m self obsessed,

i only care when it benefits me best

but that’s not true—i care for you!

they just judged before they knew

i love words—writing and books!

i just don’t have marvelous looks…

i’m 100% straight, you see

sorry—only men for me!

pictures of my very best friend

are all over my bedroom

my favorite colors are purple and gold

because they signify royalty

i wish i was a princess

but not the disney kind

the hidden, lost for centuries

immortal badass kind.

my drawers are all full, so don’t open them up

i’ve also got way too many stanley cups

i’m obsessed with murder mysteries

as long as they’re not too scary

because then i’ll lay in bed at night

fearing something hairy!

i wear crop tops and jean shorts

and outdated scrunches

i don leggings and zip ups

and oversized sweatshirts

i have two pairs of crocs

but i broke them both

i prefer sneakers to flip flops

even when they get soaked!

if it’s beaches vs. mountains

i’d pick mountains every time

i’m in love with too many fictional men

and only a few in real life

i wish you could write a book about the romance that i’ll have

but currently it’s nonexistent

i’m trying to write a book

so far i’ve failed and failed

i’ve been to disney world twice

and universal studios

and new york—like 500 times!

yeah it’s not worth the trouble…

if you mess with my bestie,

prepare to go through me

i want to go to a&m

just like my daddy!

i want a wonderful wedding

with the love of my life

i want three baby girls

and a big house

and an income to match

i want a happy future

i want a happy family

i like to draw but i kind of suck

and with painting, i’ll never try my luck

i’m a hoarder—the secrets out!

i love popsicles and ice cream

even all year round!

i’ve got a library in my room

the whole thing smells of my perfume

…an ariana scent

i’ve got way too many pens

and my mood always depends

but, hey, if you swing on by the comments

let me know some things about you!

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