Submitted by M N Smart

Write a poem or story from the perspective of a wedding ring.

Behind the Glass

As always, I sat in the glass box surrounded by jewels. All with a price tag attached. People come over to the box looking over us. Their eyes light up when they see a certain one but soon get disappointed when they see the price. Sometimes I get taken out, and then I get put back into the box.

But, one day I get taken out but I never get put back behind the glass.

Finally after weeks in the dark, I am brought back into the light. I am placed on a finger. Finally serving my purpose.

Years pass, I am taken off and put back on after arguments. I am always there when secrets are shared. I am there when tiny people are brought in the world. I see them get bigger, meet friends, and end friendships. Fall in love and get heartbroken.

I am almost always there. Until I’m not. One day I’m taken off and I’m not put back on. I’m back in a glass box. With a price tag with other jewels. Just as rusted as I have become over the years.

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