
And finally I see them. I hold my breath as I am hiding in the bushes, surrounded by complete darkness and the slightly scary but also calming sounds one can hear at nighttime in the woods. First, the only thing I was able to perceive were their howls, slowly getting louder, coming closer. Then, I noticed some movement through the lense of my infrared camera. And now, they’re heading straight towards me, quietly approaching my little camp. It must be the whole wolf pack because everytime I try to count them, their number increases. I double check whether my camera is running - after all the time I’d tried to catch them on film, I couldn’t possibly miss the occasion tonight. I realise that they look much bigger and even more majestic than I’d pictured them. Nevertheless, they don’t make the slightest sound as they sneak through the thick forest. Just as I started thinking that I haven’t seen anything this breathtaking in a while, the moonlight manages to fight it’s way through the clouds, illuminating the wolves’ fur in silver light.

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