Dare I Stay Forever

Dare I stay forever

Even though it will only hurt me

Knowing I’m not the one for you

Even though it’s all I wanna be

Id run till the end

And go across the whole ocean blue

All of that I’d do

Just to say how much I love you

I can’t do any of that

All I had now it’s gone

Once with me and now you’re not

It’s now our past memories I think upon

I wanted to get there

To be there with you

Where we could smile and be happy

But that expiration date is overdue

I wanna reach your hand

And never let it go

But I’m far too short from the mark

I’ll never reach you and I know

But I’d never let go

Of the idea of us

Hoping one day it would come back

And all this we could discuss

So dare I stay forever

Though it’ll only cause me pain

Knowing me being with you

Will never happen again

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