Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.
Two Moons
Soren blinks slowly. He’s trying not to stare, but he can’t deny it. Calyx looks ethereal in this light. Behind them the lights from the patio cast a soft orange glow along their backs. In front of them the pale moonlight reflects off the lake.
God, he’s beautiful. Calyx is pretty in any lighting, any situation. He’s photogenic, but _fuck_. Soren hadn’t thought he could fall any deeper in love. Yet here he is, head over heels for a man he’s 90% sure doesn’t feel the same.
But maybe that’s just the self-doubt talking. His siblings have been attempting to get Soren to confess for months now. Something about how ‘it’ll work out.’
He doesn’t trust them. Not with this.
His eyes eventually flick towards the horizon, away from Calyx. Being caught staring would be significantly worse than anything else Soren could ever do. He digs his feet into the sand beneath the murky waters of the lake. The chill feels nice.
Both Soren and Calyx watch the moon rise further. They had watched the sunset together, but that had quickly given way to the cool night air.
Soren feels Calyx’s fingers brush against the back of his hand. He tilts his head in his direction. Calyx gives him the biggest smile. He points to jeans.
There’s a small frog perched on top of Calyx’s knee. Soren can practically see how Calyx refrains himself from vibrating in happiness. He snickers quietly. It’s been awhile since Soren’s seen Calyx this thrilled about…well, _anything _as of late.
Calyx is completely non-verbal on even the best of days. Soren tends to rely on body cues and half learned sign language to communicate. Calyx hasn’t give him much to work with these past few weeks. He’s been withdrawn.
Which is why Soren got them out if the city in the first place. Now they’re here, at lake that apparently inhabits frogs. And Calyx is enjoying himself. So to Soren, that seems like a mission success.
Soren’s lips curl into a grin at the sight of Calyx scooping the small frog into his hands. He tries to give it to Soren.
His eyes roll as he makes an ‘x’ with his fingers, “Sorry, Cal. Not a big fan of their sliminess.”
“Not a big fan of _your_ sliminess,” Calyx mutters lowly in a rare moment of speech.
Ouch? Soren’s not quite sure how he feels about that comment. He is _not _slimy, thank you very much. He lets a halfhearted scoff escape his lips.
“You’re such a lair,” he replies, flicking Calxy’s arm, “You love me.”
Then grin Soren ends up on the receiving end of us decidedly _not _warranted. “You’re right,” Calyx murmurs innocently, “I do.”
“See? You even admitted it!” Soren feels victory for a whole two seconds before everything registers. His eyes narrow, “Wait-“
Does that mean Calyx _does_ like him?- He doesn’t get to ask. Calyx is already splashing lake water straight into Soren’s face.