Crying heart pt. 3

Vasil shakes his head. _This is never going to work, _he thinks, _it’s only going to get worse._ He looks up at the sky, at the orange leaves on the trees, and wonders how he had gotten into this mess. His mind goes to Anya, because recently, he’s been blaming her for everything. But right now, he realizes that this all happened _because he hadn’t listened to Anya._ Now, there was no way to go back.

He goes inside the house, where Luda is crying on the couch.

“You’ve caused me so much pain, yet the love I feel for you blinds me of it.” He says softly.

Luda acts like she doesn’t hear him.

Anya picks up the jar of nutella. She checks out, and heads home. On the way she spots an orange tree. _Our tree,_ she remembers sadly, _mine and Vasil’s tree. _She shakes her head. It will never be their tree again.

“You’ve caused me so much pain, yet the love I feel for you blinds me of it.”

Vasil’s words sound empty to Luda. What does that even _mean_? What does he want her to _say_? There’s no fix, no solution. Nothing ever works.

“You don’t think I feel the same?” She finally answers, without looking at him. “You don’t think _I’m_ in pain too? No one ever does. No one ever stops to think what _I_ feel. _No one!_ Everyone always wallows about how much pain _I_ caused them, what _I_ did to them, how _I_ broke their heart!”

Luda finally turns to Vasil, and he’s hanging his head, not letting her see his face.

“_You know what_?!” She screams, tears running down her face, “I’m done! I’m done with people. All you want is to drain me! _None_ of you, not _one, _has_ ever _cared about me! So I’m done!”

Luda slams the door, and she never comes back to the town again.

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