Active Shooter

“Can you tell me where room 412 is?” The man asked the nurse. “It’s right down that hall and to the left,” she answered, giving the man a small smile before moving on with her task. Something flashes in the corner of her eye as he walks away but she doesn’t think anything of it. Bang. Bang! Bang! Her head shoots up, eyes wide. “What was that?” Someone yells. “Get down!” Another voice. She dives under the desk, “no!” Someone’s grabbing her arm and pulling her down the hall. Another bang. Her head whips back to look. Someone’s shoving her the supply room. The door locks. It’s quiet. Not for long. The doorknob jiggles. Bang! Crash! The glass in the door sprays over her. An arm reaches through the door, grabs onto the handle, he’s going to open the door. She grabs an IV pole, one of the small ones, easily handleable, there’s a thud and a cry of pain as she hits the arm. One, two, three times. The arm retracts, replaced by the gun. A wild shot. She’s yanked back by one of the others in the room. The bullet misses. Thank god, she thinks. The gun moves again. Bang!

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