Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
bury a friend
My shoes left rough indents in the muddy ground behind me as I rushed through the rain to Maple Street. One month ago from today me, my boyfriend Nathan, and my best friend Valerie, had used a magic spell book to send Valerie to a different dimension yet to our suprise it had actually worked.
Now I was running, in the rain, in the middle of the night begging and pleading that all of the work I had done over the last month had paid off and that a portal had opened up wherever Valerie was and brought her back here alive.
I was just about to take a right and turn onto Maple Street when my phone fell out of my right pocket. I stopped and turned to pick it up. I bent down and picked up my phone from the concrete ground. It had fallen in a puddle so it was drenched but it wasn’t badly broken or anything like that it was just a bit glitchy. I grumbled in annoyance as I wiped my phone off and put it back in my pocket
I felt my soul jump out of my body as I heard a gunshot ring through the air. My head whipped around to where I had heard the gunshot come from and it had came from directly where I was going towards. I picked up my pace and began running as fast as I could to the street where I heard the gunshot from. Deep down I prayed that the gunshot had nothing to do with me, nothing to do with Valerie, nothing to do with any of this nonsense that’s been happening the past month.
After what felt like forever I made it to an intersection and in the middle of the empty street there was a small note that laid on the ground. My worries immediately changed from the note to what was next to the note. On the rigid concrete floor next to the note was a stain of blood that went from the middle to the road to side. The worst part was that the blood was fresh and liquid and it was already being washed away by the rain. My breathing quickened as my eyes dashed down to the note and I read it.
“Take this as a warning next time. You mess with my world and you’ll pay the consequences.” I glanced up as I heard police sirens from the distance. I kept reading the note.
“The cops have been called. I have just murdered Valerie Jean Anara. I had hidden her in the woods for the last month, tied up. I’m plotting to murder my boyfriend Nathan soon as well. I hate my mother. I hate my friends and I am nothing but a cold blooded killer.” and at the very bottom was a signature. It read ‘Bethany Faith Baker.’
But that’s not true. None of that’s true. I didn’t write this note. I didn’t murder my best friend. I’m not going to murder my boyfriend. I love my mother. I love my friends.
My hands trembled in fear as I felt my fingertips touch a cold wet substance on the back of the note. I dropped the note on the wet ground and stared at my hands which were covered in blood in which I could only guess was Valerie’s. I heard the police sirens getting closer. Her blood was on my hands. I had a knife in my right pocket that I had brought for protection and Valerie was nowhere to be seen.
I felt a panic attack coming on as I looked up and saw the cop cars lights getting closer and gaining speed. With no other option I quickly turned and booked it with no exact direction in mind. I grabbed my phone as I ran to attempt to contact someone yet the rainwater from earlier had killed the phone entirely by this point. I threw my phone which was now unusable into the bushes and took a left towards my home as I felt teardrops forming on the corners of my eyes.
I didn’t do it. I swear.