Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
It’s Time
“Don’t go”
Her whisper was barely registered, drowned out by the influx of thoughts running through my mind.
Canned food, check. Water bottles, check. Passport…
“Passport, passsssspooorrrttttt’ muttering, I strode to the dressing table by the house phone, yanking open the top drawer and ruffling through the piles of papers before pulling out the small black book.
I flipped it open “John Lewis… hmmm, not very original but… I like it”
New identity, check.
I spun on my heels, not realising she was standing right behind me. She stumbled back before straightening her back and looking at me with tear-filled eyes.
Christ, how did one person shed so many years?
She reached out for me, hand briefly brushing my cheek.
God u hated this. I hated doing this to her, but…
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against hers.
“I’m sorry, I have to. You know that.”
“We can work it out,” she pleaded, “ we can-“
“No.” I paused, massaging the space between my now blue eyes. “We can’t risk it. They’ll have my DNA by now, possibly my identity. I’ve already been here too long. It’s time for me to go”
I ran a hand through my freshly cut hair, unfamiliar with the length.
I rested my hand on the top of her head. It’s time. I swallowed down the tears, the fear. Leaning in, I laid one last kiss on her lips, a deep, sorrowful kiss. At least now she would be safe. She wouldn’t have to worry about ‘him’ anymore. I’d taken care of that, but at what cost?
Her freedom, her safety is worth more anything. It’s worth it. It has to be.
I pulled away, giving a weak smile before I turned to the door. Composing myself, I whisper to her, one more time.
“Goodbye my beautiful swan. I love you.”
And with that, I pulled open the door and slunk away into the night, darkness swallowing up my footsteps.