My Dear Awfully Amazing Sister

“Oh, you’re cleaning?” I said slightly surprised. “Yeah, I’m having Hayden over tomorrow, and so I wanted to clean up a bit,” my sister replied. She’s having Hayden over? Oh, thank God,maybe she won’t nag me all day about how she want’s to spend time with me. “That’s good,” I simply say, reaching for my headphones and sketchbook from the desk.

“What are you up to?” She ask’s. Well, great. “I was going to go draw.” I try to sound unapproachable and careless. “Mm.” What? Just “Mm.”? Usually she makes a scene, asks me to hang out with her and yells when I say no. I walk out the door, expecting her to follow. But she doesn’t.

As I walk down the steps I hear her switch on the vacuum. That’s weird. It’s not like her, she usually begs for ten minutes, pleading and crying. Hm, maybe she’s changing. I doubt it, she’s probably just excited to se Hayden and is too busy cleaning. I’m sure as soon as she’s done she’ll be down stairs begging for me to do something with her.

I’m sure.

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