The Drive

Open skies beckon in something broader

Showcasing air that pushes its way into every corner of my lungs

Cool, fresh, light but filling

Bringing with it hope like waves of positivity radiating through my entire being

Natural light from the sun brightens the whitest of clouds some thick like strung cotton balls others airy as cotton candy but all glistening against a crystal blue sky

Smoky gray mountains majestically cascade like the backdrop of a portrait for royalty

Endless opportunities manifesting in my mind with the energy of completion, wholeness and success.

Anything is possible here as the wind caresses my skin

Eyes shining, blood flowing, brain creating, life happening

Reminding me that I am alive and capable and willing and undeterred

Time slows to unfold surprise scenery beside endless road splitting vast lands

Winding, unpredictable but leading to that magnificent somewhere where I can’t wait to be

Undetermined but pre-destined

The quickening in my heart settles as the consistency of the passing trees reminds me of putting one foot in front of the other assuredly continuing my ascent

Anticipating my arrival, but grateful for the journey…

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