Submitted by Margaret Sok

Against the stone wall of the cave, a scraping talon sounds...
You always knew something was off about the new apartment, but you never had the money to buy yourself out of the lease. The apartment itself was fine, but walking up the stairs to your door you had to pass the laundry room. The room had a door at the end that was kept locked, both knob and in chains. When you did your laundry there, you heard something from behind that door … and you never went back. You asked your neighbor once but they just shrugged it off. Then the woman started screaming near your window every morning, right outside the main office.
“Sinners!” She called. “Free my daughter!” And you just ignored her, day in and day out, until your lease was up and you left … left the city and found a small farm home.
Unknown to you, the woman is close to freeing her daughter. Beyond the laundry room is an ancient cave. Against the stone wall of the cave, a scraping talon sounds.