Poor child

“For awhile your brother was convinced someone was following him; now he has gone missing.” Rose said to her daughter Jill. Rose and Jill both stand in the kitchen crying and upset. Rose picks up the phone and dials 911 “911 what is your emergency?” The operator said “yes I would like to report a missing child!” Sobbed rose. “Ok can you please describe the child?” Said the operator “yes, my son is 14, he has brown hair and green eyes, his name is Jacob,he weighs 90 pounds and is 5 feet tall.” Replied Rose, “Ok ma’am could you come up to the station today and bring pictures of your son? We will get fliers started.” Said the operator. “Of course! I will come now!” Replied rose as she hung up and took off to the station.They pull up to the station and walk in. They are greeted by a lady working the front desk, the lady tells them to wait just a minute and she will have an officer escort them to a private room where they can talk about her son. Rose and Jill sit down in the small waiting area and after about 5 minutes a mans voice says “Rose?” Rose stood up and said “yes that is me.” The male officer said “I am officer Terry,please follow me to my office.” Rose and Jill followed him to his office and they all took a seat. “I’m sorry to hear about your son going missing, but we will do everything we can to help, just fill out this paper describing your son and give us some clear photos that we can make copies of for the posters.” Said Officer Terry. Rose did what the officer asked and then officer Terry asked if Jacob had said anything before going missing. Rose said “Jacob kept telling me that he felt like someone was following him when he walked to school or walked anywhere really, I just thought he was paranoid but I’m so stupid I should have listened!” Officer Terry looked down and sighed “is there anything else he said?” He asked and Rose replied with “no.”. Officer Terry took all the paper work and went out of the room. The officer comes back and tells them they can go home and they will put out a missing child alert.Rose told Jill to go to the car and that she would be right behind her. The officer asked “are you ok!” That’s when Rose started bawling hysterically and yelled “I did it! I made that story up about him being followed, but I DID IT! I killed my baby!” The officer told Rose to sit down and hold tight, Rose began to be questioned more, Officer Terry went outside to get Jill and had her call her grandparents and go stay with them until things got sorted out.. Rose in the other room began to spill everything “ I got home from a long day at work, as usual! Jacob was playing video games with a mess all over the house! I asked him to clean up and all I got from him was a “huh?” So I snatched his headphones off and he began to yell and fight me, I was so fed up with him already and then he started beating on me! I seen red and started choking him and that’s when he passed out and fell to the floor, I literally just thought he was passed out but he was gone! I instantly took him outback and buried him before Jill got home from cheer practice. Jill never goes out back so I knew she wouldn’t see anything and no one ever comes over. I am sorry I just didn’t know what to do and I feel horrible!” The officer handcuffed Rose and took her into custody and there were other officers that went to the house to find the body. Rose spent life in prison and Jill got to stay with her grandparents who held a proper funeral for Jacob. Everyone was heartbroken and no one wanted any contact with Rose after what she did! Jill had to go to counseling because of what happened and the fact that her and her brother were very close! This was a hard situation for the family and they couldn’t believe Jacob was gone! The grandparents helped Jill move in and Roses house was sold and the money put towards Jill’s college fund.

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