Inspired by Bri loves apples
Your 'emotions' are people living inside your body, who react to the situations you experience to ultimately decide how you feel about things.
Write a story where these 'emotions' are reacting to something you are experiencing. You could write it like a dialogue, or as a narrative of what they're doing to decide which emotion you feel.
Voices In My Head.
“Run! Quick, get out of here!” May whispered in my ear, fear evident in her tone.
“Relax,” Serenity said while checking her nails. “We’ve done this loads of times.”
“Not like this! Not in front of so many people!”
“Guys,” I murmured, rubbing my temples. “You aren’t helping.”
Logan suddenly leaned in, “Correct, as it stands the both of you will only make this worse.” I thanked the stars for him, he was the only reasonable one here.
Then I felt a jolt, quietly groaning I looked behind me, “Buzz? I really don’t need this right now.”
“Awww, what’s the matter? After this is over then you and Logan can go to the library and do whatever you two do in there.” He grinned.
Logan looked at him with an almost concerned glance, “Read?”
May gasped and we turned to see her horrified expression, “You forgot it at home!”
Serenity didn’t even look up from her phone, “It’s right in front of you dingus.”
“Will you guys quit it!” I whisper yelled. People where beginning to look at us and honestly, I couldn’t deal with that right then.
Suddenly, the sound of my teacher calling me cut through all of the voices in my head, “Danny? I believe that it’s your turn.”
Shaking, I stood up. I hate public speaking.