Submitted by Rover

Write a story where your main character is connected to the mafia.

They could have a relative who is tied to the gang, be a member who wants out, a love story between members, whatever pathway you choose!

No Way Out

There are only two ways out of this business. Die or turn snitch, and I’d rather blow my brains out than go Judas. And so, that’s what I’ve decided to do after this job. The points I’ll score on this one will set up my wife and kids for life. I ain’t letting my kids grow up to see their old man as a fraud, and Julie… she’s had enough drama for a lifetime. It’s what’s best. The family takes care of loyalty.

“Hey Nick! They’re head’in out,” says Jake, “hit the gas.”

The queen pulls behind the van. The side of the van reads A.P.D. Transport. You’d think they be more discreet about moving the incarcerated. Who rides the back of the van? The boss’ son, Tommy Poiro.

We follow him out to the highway, bout 80 miles. The scenery changes from the old concrete jungle to good for nothing woodlands. Cops don’t know how to keep an eye out.

“I’ll signal the others,” says Jake, his cell to his ear.

The van stops by the side of the road, unscheduled. I drive by them.

“Why they stop?” says Jake.

I tell Jake the plan might need changed.

“Nah, turn back. We’ve blocked this 5 mile stretch from two locations. Roadwork signs.”

I make a u-turn and start driving the wrong way, and coming up on the van, stop facing it. One of the cops is out by the back of the van, the other readied a shotgun.

The cop inside plays over the speaker: “Come out with you’re hands up!”

Jake gets out reaching for the sky. “We’re sorry! We thought you needed help!”

I follow after him. Hands high as my head.

“Get down on the ground,” says the speaker.

“Take cover!” yells Jake.

I jump behind the queen, and he joins me in sitting against the trunk. The guy outside fires a shot into the queen’s engine.

We pull glocks from our coats, and return fire. Jake takes out the front right wheel, and the guy outside yells from injury. The man with the shotgun jumps out and runs back. I tell Jake to cover me, and he starts firing.

I walk out and aim for behind the van, and looking behind, see one officer holding the other, he’s dropped the shotgun. Blood runs from the shot guy’s mouth. I pistol whip the unarmed cop. Jake walks up and sees them on the ground.

The bleeder had the keys. Jake opens the van and I step to the side to take a smoke. There were two more officers inside, and they fire the moment they see Jake. He falls to the ground, and I run into the woods for cover. I look out from the bushes and trees to see Tommy. That rat!

Tommy calls from the speaker. “Sorry, but we can’t leave you to be. You’d tell father I turned. I made a deal. Come out and you can be part of it!”

I scream from the bushes: “I ain’t no traitor! Do you know what happens to people that turn on the family? You can’t play with peoples lives!”

“Oh, I’m going to father. And if you don’t come out, I’m gonna say you made a deal. Easier to believe. We all know you want out.”

And now, I need to live. God, I need to get back to Julie and the kids. I need to warn the boss before he falls prey. My reputation would of saved them, but that cheesy rat is gonna put targets on their backs.

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