The Change

“Are you ready?” He mind linked

All she could think was NO, no of course not. Who would ever be ready to break every bone, and hear every earth shattering crack. Stretch their skin to form around the new bone structure, while new hair tore threw every inch and form into a completely new body different from the one they’ve owned their entire life. Who would ever be ready for something like that?

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready, but I want to do it.” She tried to clear her mind of the thought that terrified her the most in this world.

“Release your body, and clear your mind. Think of nothing but your wolf her hair, her eyes, her energy, let her engulf your mind. Then let her come forward to take control of your body.”

She took a long deep breath and watched as the hot air from her mouth change color as it escaped. She closed her eyes and called her wolf “Selene? Are you there?”

“Of course I am, where else would I go?”

Eveny laughed and concentrated on her white almost glowing fur as she pranced through her mind. She focused on the strong muscles of her wolf, looked into her eyes, the color of the bluest sea. And she replied “Let’s go for a run in your form.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Just then she felt the first bone snap and let out a small scream. Then the second and then the rest just melded together as her bones split in half she felt them growing into new bones larger than the one she had before. Her skin felt like it was being pulled apart as the larger bones grew under her skin without enough room her skin tore. Just as fast as it tore it reattached with more skin to cover her whole body, she could feel ever excruciating part including millions of hair follicles slice threw her skin to cover her entire body. Her face grew into a snout and just as quickly as the pain came is disappeared. She was laying on her stomach trying to catch her breath.

“Now stand.”

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