Write a story about a character that has a unique occupation which sets them apart from others.

What I Had To Do

I only did it because I had to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in this position right now. I light my lantern and begin entering his dream. Typically, it’s pretty easy, but it’s much harder this time because of my emotions. My heart feels encased in tar. Once I finally enter his dream, I see the familiar glittering, light blue river that separates us. I stand firmly, with my white and gold cape drifting behind me. “Hello Thomas,” I try to swallow my emotions. His lips are trembling, and he looks moments away from tears, his golden brown hair swaying in the gentle breeze. “I regret to inform you, that you have passed. I am here to test you. I wish you luck” His mouth widens and tears begin spilling. He collapses to the ground. No, no no no. If he can’t even handle the fact that he’s dead, he won’t be able to swim across. It may not seem like much, but the souls are too angry at their failure and death, and so they take it out on those who have a chance. He’s never been emotionally strong, (or physically, really) but I thought he might make it. Maybe. Okay, probably not. But the idea of him passing the river on his own is the only thing keeping me from tearing this world apart. I quickly mutter a calming spell for him, like I would with anybody else. I explain the test to him, and he seems to understand. He begins stretching, and I try to calm myself down a bit. He jumps off the ledge, as far as he can go. I’m horrified when that’s only a few feet. The souls begin reaching up and grabbing his hair, dragging him underwater, scratching his face until it bleeds. As I watch him sink lifelessly to the bottom of the river I think to myself, why am I even doing this anymore?
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