Pet The Creature.

I have always been envious of humans.

Yes, I know we are superior in every way, stronger, faster, better hair, not to mention intelligence.

But watching them sit around a campfire, laughing, cuddling in the cool summer air, I can’t help but feel envy curl around my heart.

Why can’t we sit like that? Why can’t I sit beside a fire without worrying about my limbs and tail being burned? Why can’t I cuddle my betrothed without hurting her?

I wait until they retire to their flimsy tents, before venturing into the camp.

I’m not here to be envious, but to steal food for my kind, s’mores are a delicacy after all.

I’m stuffing a pack of marshmallows into my satchel when a twig breaks behind me.

Fool. I was so lost in my thoughts that I don’t take in my surroundings.

A human stands there, mouth agape. I’m not sure what to do. The human whispers “centaur…” and I flinch. How does it know of us?

“So cool.” It says.

It is quite a cool night, but I don’t see what that has to do with-

The human is suddenly close, and rubs its fleshy hands over my fur. It is the time of year for fur to thicken in preparation for winter, so we are fluffy.

I prepare to kick away the human, but… it feels good…

No! I charge away suddenly, into the safety of the forest. No matter how fast I run, I can’t deny… it felt great!

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