Write a story where two people who had hoped they would never see each other again are forced to reunite.
My life is not the happiest life. But I’m okay with that. I am okay with the fact that my life is boring and uninteresting. As long as I never have to see her again.
When I was little I didn’t despise her as much as I do know. We were even friends. There were people who didn’t like her but I ignored them. She was stronger back then. And she was able to ignore them just like me. They were bullies I told myself. But I would soon realize that they were the only ones who saw the real truth.
When I was a teenager is when I started to notice how weird she was. I noticed how she never knew how to close her mouth. She always talked to much. I even started to notice how unappealing she looked. It became hard to look at her. I tried to teach her makeup, but it didn’t make a difference.
As I grew older and moved onto college is when I started ignoring her all together. I removed every possibility of running into her from my life. My roommate asked me why I got rid of those ties. I told my roommate that it wasn’t something she should worry about. I didn’t want to go into detail about why I hated her.
When I got my first apartment is when it got harder to avoid her. Without the distraction of school I ran into her more and more. I remember once seeing her in my home. She had aged, but she had not lost her hideousness. Being in that apartment alone with her forced me to learn more about her. The more I learned, the more I disliked her.
Yesterday I ran into her. I was staying at my parents house. I wasn’t having the best day. I went into the bathroom to wash the tears from my face. And when I looked up I saw her. In the mirror, I saw myself. And was disgusted. I hope I never have to see her again.
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