Write a narrative from the perspecitve of one of these characters, with a twist that would be unexpected given the scene.
At tea…
“So… anything happen lately?” Rose asks** very cautiously**.
“Red? You K?” Jane asks, **incredibly bored.**
Red responds, “I’m fine, Jane, and by the way I got better at archery.”
“Interesting” Elsie comments.
Red yells “AAHHH! WHY IS IT SO QUIET?!?!”
“Well now it isn’t! Thanks a lot. Red.” Bennie snapped.
“Who was there? Who was in the hall?” A voice came from a chair that had a person who seemingly disappeared. Elsie, Red and Jane were in the hall. Rose and Bennie weren’t there at all and Laurel and Ayala were there.
2? There were 3 in the room. Strange…
This is the curse of the circus.