Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

Dressed For Regret

Eric took Berh into his arm and pulled her close. He keaned in and kissed her. “I love you. I have always loved you. It took traveling around the world, and moving back here to realize it, but i love you,”. He pulled her in to kiss her again.

Beth finally pulled away. “Why are you doing this now? Damn it Eric Im married Karl. We have a daughter for crying out loud. Why didnt you just tell back then”?

“Beth, ive never told you this but I bought you an engagement ring. It was an princess cut pink diamond, the ring yiu always said you wanted. The day Maddie died i was going to propose to you in Kartington Park by the pound. Then i got the call Maddie died and i … dint know, i had to run away. Its why i broke up with you after the funeral. I couldnt stay, but i coukdnt take you with me. You woukdnt be happy working minimum wage at some store, Beth. We know that is beneath you. Yiu belong hers running your own shop and desgining your own dresses. Coukd you be happy in Baltimore waiting in me to get home home from med school, supporting us whike i studied or slept. I needed to become something if myself first,”.

Eric pulled her into his arms again and tried to kiss her.

“No you’re too late,” she said as ran out if the office.

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