Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
Bitter Sweet
“M-Mario!” Brandie yelled in pain as she held the seam of her face feeling the tears form, “What the hell?!”
Brandie and Mario had been fighting, their love had turned bitter seeet for one another and it showed as the skin walker started to fix the torn face seam.
“I should’ve known you’d be so ignorant and spiteful. . . You never cared. . . You wanted to just use me.”
He said nothing as he stared at the blood that laid upon his hands as he now looked back at her, he truly loved her but he couldn’t bring himself to realize he had hurt badly.
“Why don’t you say something Mario. . . If you truly loved me then you wouldn’t have had to hurt and hit me like this.” She spoke softly.
“My dear sweet princess,” He spoke, “I know I’m not worthy of your forgiveness but I love you.”
“Then why do it? Why hurt someone who loves you just as much as the sun loves the moon?”
“I wish I truly had an answer but I don’t, I didn’t know had came over me. I wish I could go back and redo everything.”
She huffed softly before feeling no the blood drip from the torn seam near her eye, now walking off to properly fix it.
She needed time away from all of the chaos and pain that was put onto her. . . Maybe then she can think about forgiveness and moving on with the man she loves the most.