Write a blank verse poem about love – whether that’s love for nature, friend, partner, child, pet etc.
Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but normally uses strict structure to build a melody through rhythm.
Is it Love if It Hurts?
Love is strange
Unexpected, but welcome
Sought out, and disappears
Sometimes it’s dark and twisted,
Holding you in a tight grip
Watching you struggle with glee
A foolish game of cat and mouse
Where pleasure is derived
From seeing love suffer
Other times it’s a warm embrace
Sunshine on a sticky summer day
Or eating popsicles on the front porch
Laying in bed with a good book
Or with your cat laying on its back
Sometimes it reminds you
Of cloaked figures and masked faces
Nightmares and anxious nights
Crying and praying for a better tomorrow
Other times it’s bright colors
The smell of freshly baked cookies
And giggling with your friends during break
Love is molded
Love is shaped
We control what love looks like
To ourselves and the people around us
If it’s lonely nights or hug-filled mornings
Locked doors or open windows
Hurting or healing