"If we pull this off, we're set for life!"
Write a story where this line of speech drives the main plot.
"hurry up" Cameron shouts fixing his gun and pulling me along behind him as he heads up David our arch nemesis' driveway towards his mansion.
The day before David had provoked Cameron by slagging his sister who has autism and now Cameron wanted blood.
"Are you sure about this?" I ask concern in my husky voice
"He needs to pay" Cameron whispers short and simple.
There was no backing down.
We head around the side of the house to David's bedroom and the window is open a crack.
"If we pull this off, we're set for life!" Cameron whispers with a sneer.
Cameron hoists his bag through the open window and jumps in after it.
He helps me up as I'm not as athletic as him.
David's room has posters of 80's bands strung up in every corner of it and first place football trophies.
David turns in his sleep and me and Cameron stop dead.
We wait till he's snoring again and slowly open the door it lets out a loud groan but we can still hear David's soft snores through the hall.
We head into the dining room and David puts all the valuables he can find in his bag and zips it shut I do the same with mine and we head back to David's room but when we enter David is behind the door and tries to strangle me.
Cameron grabs a gun from his back pocket and shoots. David slumps to the floor no more.
We jump back down and set off triumphant at our adventure.