Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"Your time is up. Better run!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.
Th Cliff P2
Me and my sister were living happily in the town we came across after we were forced to jump off the cliff.
This town did everything for themselves to survive. They didn’t go to the supermarket to buy food and water, but instead they did it all themselves.
Because I’m the age of 15, I’m old enough to teach, since I’m the only one who knows how to read and write and so on.
My little sister is also in the class I teach considering her age of only 6. She still has a long way to go just like the others.
I have two classes everyday. I have the children from morning to mid afternoon, and I have the women from mid afternoon to dinner.
“Where is Michelle and Emma!”
I heard men shouting for me and my little sister.
My name repeating in my head over and over and over, ‘Michelle. Michelle. Michelle.’ But quickly changed to my sweet little sisters name, ‘Emma. Emma. Emma.’
The leader of the town, or chief, as we call him, ordered all the men to attack. He ran up to me and asked, “Are these the men that forced you to leave your home?” I nodded. “Don’t worry lead all the women and children into the bunker.”
He quickly left and went to attack the two men. I led everyone into the bunker, but I came back. The men had guns, and we only had swords. So far half the men were baldly injured.
I’m”STOP!” I shouted, hardly thinking of what I was saying. It took me a second to realize that I said those words aloud.
Everyone froze and looked at me. That’s when I realized that the words really did come from me.
But I couldn’t stop now, I already interrupted. So I took a deep breath and walked forward. I said. “If I go with you guys, will you leave all of these people alone? Including my sister?”
They talked amongst each other.
Once they came up with a decision, the one said, “Deal.”
“Let’s make this a little fun.” The other said.
“What? Are you crazy?! We finally have her!”
“Calm down. The boss said to kill her, not bring her back.”
“Fine. You have the countdown of 10.”
As the seconds ticked away, I prepared myself to run as fast as I have ever ran before.
“Your time is up. Better run!”
I ran as fast as I could, dodging all of the bullets they kept shooting at me. I ran for miles until they lost track of me.