Submitted by Atlas

She didn't look up from the cracks in the sidewalk, nor did she turn down her street to go home. Instead, she just kept walking.

Write a story about a character attempting to vanish.


I need to leave, to escape from this world.

From these _feelings. _But how? I try walking. I hear the sound of my feet hitting the ground, with a thud. Hoping, maybe one day, I’ll grow wings. Like the butterflies playing in the flowers, just flapping around looking like their without a care in the world. Oh, what it would be like, to fly away from all life’s problems. To vanish. But I can’t. No matter how much I wish. Even butterflies can’t out-fly their problems. Eventually, one day, they have to face them. But they’ll get through it. They always do. Even if they wish to vanish sometimes, as I do right now. I keep walking. And I watch the butterflies. The flowers. I feel the wind taking me away, as it takes the butterflies away too. No matter how much I want to vanish without a trace, I can’t. I have my family. And even though I want to disappear, I don’t want to leave them. They’re my everything. I love them. So I’ll be strong, I’ll face my problems, and won’t disappear. Because they’ll be there with me, I won’t be alone. I’ll never be alone. Even when it gets hard. We’ll stay together. Like butterflies.

The end.

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