The light

She headed outside, not knowing or caring about her destination. She had tried to get through the year, but too much had dragged her down. Some of it was her doing, she knew. She shut down, closed people out, and stopped caring. She became numb and allowed time to pass her by. She grew older, but not wiser.

She needed a new path, and hoped the fresh air gave her some clarity. At she was moving, moving was good.

The was clear, not even a puff of a cloud was to be seen. It added to her feeling of emptiness, so she tried to look forward, not up. Doing so, she stumbled on a root and fell. She laughed ruefully to herself. Getting up, she dusted herself off, and noticed a snake on the grass. She loved reptiles, had an affinity to creatures usually shunned. This was just an ordinary garter snake, but it was lovely. She decided to watch the snake for a bit. Plus, she was still embarrassed from that fall!

The snake’s tongue flickered, and it seemed to be watching her as well. With what seemed to be a bob of its head, it turned and slithered off. She followed, her curiously piqued. The snake was rather fast, and didn’t seem to mind the human following it.

Both snake and human arrived at a small lake, the waters were still and shining in the sunlight. The snake stopped, look at her (she sears it did) and slithered into the water. She was shocked, she had never seen a garter snake do this!

Then, as if out of a poorly written story, a glowing light appeared in the water. Was she to receive a sword now? Cool, she was going to rule Britain! She waited, but no hand appeared out of the lake. She started to pace back and forth, worried about the snake and wondering if she might just be going a tad insane.

The glowing light grew stronger, and she had a sudden sense of purpose. She was an excellent swimmer, and so set out, not even bothering to disrobe. The water was cool and refreshing.

She had reached the light, and felt a curious sensation of weightlessness. Everything became blinding bright, and she felt a strong desire to fall asleep. As she drifted off, she swore she saw the snake change form, and welcomed her.

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