Submitted by Aaron G. Wolfe
“You were the only reason, the only reason at all.”
Write a poem or story based on this line.
It started as a tiny flame
In the pit of my heart
The oxygen kept flowing
But I ignored it
Expecting it to dwindle
It grew and grew
It burns and burns
You provided the water to keep the fire under control
With your flowers
Your flowers were finite
So I felt bad when I took one
The fire ate up the flower
Another day, another burning petal
I pulled you into the fire with me
I managed to get you out
Now it’s deeper than ever
Ever growing
Never shrinking
I stopped accepting your flowers
And I’m tempted to let myself burn
If it weren’t for you
I would’ve
I owe you
The flowers you gave me
So I have to survive
To pay you back
Once I return the favor,
I can let myself sink and cry
Until I die