What does the Grim Reaper do in their time off?
A Day Off
I’m just a regular guy. I know I have one of those jobs that requires me to be in several places at once, and you know what, it puts a toll on a guy. I need a vacation just as much as anyone so that is why I take one day off each month. It isn’t much but it is my time.
The cool thing is that I get to take off the cloak, put the cycle up, and just let loose as a normal dark angel. I’m not worried about people dying and taking them off to the other world, or as I like to call it home. I get to just cause chaos. A lot of people don’t know that I am actually a dark angel. That doesn’t mean I’m evil or work for Satan, no, I’m a private contractor. I just like to mess with people.
When I say I take a day off it is always on the 13th of the month, and this last month was no different. I made my way to this small town in Wisconsin called Neenah. It is like small twin cities, any way, they have this intersection with these stop lights and I kept alternating which ones were yellow and which ones were read. It was the funniest thing ever.
They also have roundabouts. Have you ever seen midwesterners and roundabouts. That was my idea. I put that in their heads to build these and it has been so fun to watch. I usually make a quick stop there to watch them try to navigate them. They still can’t.
I know these seem like trivial things and maybe they are but when you have to deal with all of the darkness that I do on a daily basis. They allow me to just chill and have fun at the expense of others and their misfortunes, but no one dies. That comes later for I’m the Grim Reaper.