POV: The Irony Of Defeat

All I can hear while the world crashes around me is the screech of metal on metal. The world is falling to an army of creaking machines. Ironic. We spent all that time on iron warships to usher in “A New Era” of science back in the early 1900s. We “revolutionized” technology with cell phones and social media in the early 2000s…made AI.

Look at us now.

We’re going to fall to the brainchild of things that don’t even have fucking brains.

Maybe we deserve it.

These microchip overlords developed right in front of us. We got to a point where we made them so smart they got to be self aware, they started creating. They created nanopredators and used them to subdue the human presence.

Now it’s us versus them. But really, it was always us against ourselves. We learned too late.

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