Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"She's not who she says she is."

Write a story that involves this line of speech.

Who She Says She Is

“She’s not who she says she is” But she is. She’s a storm. Ready to attack. Ready to topple mountains in her wake and create fresh breeding grounds from which hope, love and strength can blossom. She’s grand oak. She stands firm and proud , defying all opposing forces. Providing adequate shelter for all who need it. She’s a sea. Beautiful yet strong willed and ferocious. Helpful and merciful though there are times when she rages and she herself know nothing of mercy. She’s a star. Burning bright against the black canvas of the sky and refusing to burn out. She shines on those who appreciate and revel in her splendour. She’s a home. There to protect and keep warm. To stand steadfast in times of adversity. And provide embrace and comfort to all who enter her embrace. So don’t say she isn’t who she say she is, because that all she ever been.
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