Describe a pet you have, or would like to own, without mentioning their appearance.

Removing the sense of sight gives an opportunity to lean into the other ways that we distinguish animals.

My Pet

This animal is a little over a year old boy. He feels soft and loves to be pet unless he is in a bad mood or hungry, then he will run away or swat you with his paw. He loves to take naps on blankets. He loves when the sun comes in through the window and he can lay in it on the floor and sun bathe. He sometimes likes to spill his water bowl and then tracks paw prints all over the house. He gets in trouble for jumping up on the kitchen counters and sometimes getting in the sink. His favorite part of the day is when we feed him. My favorite thing he does is he runs to the door when we arrive home. I would describe him as sweet, sour, calm, wild, and any other opposites you can think of, he always acts differently depending on his mood.
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