Mr. and Mrs. Telekinesis

“Honey we’re late!” Scott shouted from downstairs.

“I’ll be down in a second” his wife’s voice lingered down the stairs and to his ears.

“We don’t have to go, you know? Your the one that wanted to go.” He tries to convince her not to go as she walks down the stairs revealing a fancy black dress with a slit in the leg.

“We are going and that’s final.” She said.

Scott and his wife gathered their things and then found their way to the ball.

Scott’s wife floated towards the drink station while Scott went to find his boss.

After a while of talking to his boss Scott began to wonder where his wife had went.

“I should go find my wife, it was nice talking with you sir.” He said as he shook his bosses hand and then went off to look for his wife.

Scott though maybe she would be in the bathroom or something so he stood over by the bathrooms-

Until he heard a crash from the ballroom.

He ran into the ball room, people screaming and running the opposite direction. A villainous looking figure stood in the middle of the ballroom, with a black and purple gas like substance coming off of them.

Scott froze, he felt paralyzed.

His eyes widened as the figure turn toward him.

Before the figure moves closer, a large object was thrown at it, and then Scott’s wife moved in front of Scott.

“Honey, what are you doing?!” Scott yelled and grabbed his wife dragging her back behind a wall.

“There’s things you don’t know yet Scott, I need you to keep an open mind about what I’m about to do.” She said as she ran out into the open.

With a wave of her hand, objects began to float and move with her sway. A twitch of one finger could make all the difference.

She literally threw a table at the figure without even touching it.

Scott was in shook, his wife-


He stood in awe, and watched as she fenced off the figure until the police and other heroes got there.

After everything was done, the policeman said to Scott’s wife.

“Good work Mrs. Telekinesis. Always a pleasure to work with you.”

“Thank you” she said with a smile.

Scott was sitting on the floor against a wall.

“Hey honey.” His wife said.

“When were you going to tell me?” He asked.

“After the ball, but seems I had to do it sooner then expected.” She replied.

“So- Mrs. Telekinesis.” He said


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