‘I never was an early riser.’

Write a poem that begins with this line.

I can't stand

I never was an early riser

And as you grow older

They say you get wiser

But why's my eye so heavy

In an ev'ryday fight to roll out of bed?

It's like I'm in a fight

Always alert, early bird

For the first dring-ring

Of my blood-sucking alarm clock

Likewise never quite

Ready to perform a steady

Dorm exit, just a twitch, that's it

Heady default state when it's too late

Soon it'll be noon, gotta see through

The rest of this day now

Where did all the time go

When did twenty-four hours

Become a blur of four hours?

And even though I swore to sleep more tonight

It's just another sore lie I'm telling myself

Because after being bored to death last night

I'm still struggling to catch my breath

After firing the first morning line

And then back to sleep

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