Write a poem in which every line begins with the first letter of your name.
While this isn’t a conventional poetic form, it is interesting to play around with constraints. See how many words connect to your name!
Steal A Kiss
“May I?”He murmured sweetly
Maybe so, I replied jokingly meekly
Mother will be watching, busy as ever
Making herself look bustling and clever
Man up, I teased and don’t be a sissy
Mother’s kind, but fathers tricky
Mind his size and move with care
Meet his eyes? Best beware
Marshmallow he is not be quick
Mean and fierce he won’t miss a trick
Make it fast if it’s a kiss you’re after
Mark my words he’ll chase you with laughter
Many have tried, mistaking his might
Mistaken his strength at sixty’s height
Missing in action is what was said
Maybe just maybe they are all dead.