Describe the feeling of happiness without using the words 'happy', 'joy', 'content' or other closely-related synonyms.
Try to use a variety of metaphorical devices to create an image that emits a sense of happiness.
Happiness Is…
…your bed after a long and exhausting shift.
…a purring cat as you give it scritches.
…birdsong greeting the sunrise.
…the babble of a brook as it travels underfoot.
…the cascading “shka shka” of Legos from under wrapping paper.
…the sound of the internet, you know the one, that takes you back to simpler times.
…the wave of warmth and relaxation spreading across your body when you finally get that knot in your back massaged out.
…the rib-crushing embrace of the person who cares about you the most after not seeing you in weeks.
…the chill of refrigerated water down your esophagus at 3am, quenching the midnight dehydration.
…the smell of buttery popcorn filling your nose, and the popty ping beat of exploding kernels.