Describe a beautiful night scene with a particular focus on colours.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but try to come up with creative descriptions of the shades of night.
A Snowy City Night
The end of the day had sheltered me in my warm apartment. As I walk thru my living room I see the reflection of the city lights thru the wall to wall windows. I lean over to admire the snow falling, as I see the light post I can tell it’s a soft and steady flow, there is a dash of pink across the sky. The brown lined trees are covered with white glistening snow making them glimmer from the reflection of the yellow light of the street light post. The traffic is low except some yellow cabs . It’s as if the bright city lights have dimmed their bright blues, shinning yellow, bursting red lights to make way for the glimmer of the snow. What is known to be a loud and busy city is quieted by the comfort of a blanket of snow making it an admirable scenery.