Orange Is The Warmest Colour

Zoe had never even considered the question. She hadn’t put time and thought into an answer because it never mattered to her.

Not until Eri called out the answer from across the table.

“Orange.” She said, words slurring slightly from the half empty bottle they were sharing. “I know it has to be orange, your favourite colour.”

Around the table all faces turned to look at her. Ethan, Alex, her twin Chloe, Adam and Isabella. Her friends, some of her teammates, people she considered closest to her in the world all hesitated when the card had been pulled, but Eri didn’t.

Eri had said it and looked Zoe right in the eye causing Zoe, for the first time in her entire life, to blush and quickly turn her head away. She couldn’t believe it, convincing herself it had to be the alcohol effecting her, making her chest tight and heart hammer.

But Eri was right. Zoe knew she was, all the sunsets and sunrises she had watched, the warmth and joy that it brought her.

“Yep.” Zoe said shortly, “she’s right, everyone drink.”

Everyone drunk.

Eri was still looking at Zoe, it wasn’t a state but there was an intensity that made Zoe feel like the ground was spinning.

“It’s my turn ain’t it?” Adam said, fumbling for a card. “Yeah it’s gotta be my turn, Eri just went.”

As Adam fumbled for a card he knocked the glass in the middle of them and in an attempt to catch it slapped it over. The mixture of spirits and alcohol spilled from the glass and flew over the table covering Zoe’s shirt and trousers.

Zoe leapt up cussing and cursing Adam. Ethan laughed rocking back in his chair as Alex slapped his arm. Isabella, always the practical one, rushed to the kitchen looking for paper towels.

“Moron.” Zoe hissed at Adam who looked up at her his eyes fuzzy.

“Ha Zoe said moron. Everyone drink.” Ethan laughed, clinking his glass into Alex’s before taking a sip.

“Zoe where do you keep your paper towels?” Isabella’s voice came from the kitchen.

“I know where they are.” Alex said, jumping from her chair.

“Don’t bother, I’m gonna get changed.” Zoe said, huffing grabbing the glass that was on its side and pouring the remaining drops on Adam’s head.

Walking around her corner out of view of everyone Zoe ripped her shirt off scowling at how wet it was. She had only bought this earlier that week, in hopes that Eri would compliment it. It had small animal designs around the neck line and it had worked Eri had traced her finger along them gently brushing her finger against Zoe’s neck as she did.

Switching on the light in her room Zoe dumped her shirt in the clothes bin and looked in the mirror seeing a massive stain on her trousers. Cussing in frustration she reached to unbutton them when she heard someone in her doorway. Looking up she saw Eri stood, leaning on the doorway. Looking right at her.

“Normally people knock to make sure they aren’t changing before walking in.” Zoe said, resting her hands on her hips.

“Normally people don’t leave their door open when they change.” Eri replied, letting her eyes drift. Zoe feeling them trace a line down to her hips and back up.

Eri stepped into the room and nudged the door behind her. Zoe stayed stood in place, considering her next moves. This is something she had wanted for years, the two had flirted constantly since they met but had never gone any further.

Zoe had known that she liked Eri from the start, but the look on Eri’s face showed something very different than like.

Eri stepped close to Zoe and Zoe caught her breath. Feeling Eri’s on her face. The two looked into each others eyes, Eri started to move but Zoe reached up and grabbed her face under the chin. She pushed her head to the side and kissed her neck. Eri’s skin was soft against Zoe’s lips and a quiet moan escaped her lips as Zoe continued to kiss down to her collarbones.

Eri’s hands grabbed onto Zoe’s hips pulling them in closer. Zoe’s heart fluttered feeling the glancing touch of Eri’s hands on her bare back.

Grabbing the back of Eri’s head, holding a small bundle of hair Zoe smiled as she looked at Eri who was now blushing. A look of shock on her face.

Enjoying the feeling that she had flustered Eri, Zoe pushed her head forwards the two kissing passionately and roughly. Eri’s hands pawed up and down Zoe’s back desperately holding her.

The two broke the kiss after a few seconds and stood breathing heavily. A moment hung in the air, tension building up.

Eri moved first, grabbing Zoe’s wrists and spinning her to the wall slamming her into it. Zoe grinned as the two kissed again Zoe fighting against her restraints and loving the feeling of Eri’s body pressed up on hers.

Zoe moved her hand and felt Eri let it go, wasting no time she reached down and tore Eri’s shirt up and over her head. The two women wasted no time grabbing eachother again kissing the others face, neck and lips while their hands groped and grabbed to their hearts content.

Zoe had no idea how long it had been when Eri pulled away from their kiss.

“We should return.”

“I disagree.” Zoe said, going to kiss Eri’s neck.

“No I think I like the idea of making you wait.” Eri smiled, tracing her thumb over Zoe’s lips. “But I will let you have this to make sure you know I’m serious.”

Eri reached behind her and let her arms drop forwards her bra fall around her wrist. Zoe’s breath caught in her throat as she store, Eri smiled grabbing Zoe’s hand and placing it on one, leaning in and moaning close to Zoe’s ear. Before putting her clothes on and walking out.

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