In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

Write a poem ending with this line.

to find yourself

find where your very essence feels nourished, like a treasure lifted from beneath the heavy sand

where living is thriving in a bush pilots astral plane,

where the dreams are lived before they get the chance to become just that, a dream

wish upon every star to set sail in the sky, with hope set by the flames churning in your heart

be gentle to your reflection in your most dawning frightful hours

as you pass beneath your ever-living conscience

love with awe n' not just need and makeshift admiration

indulge yourself in curiosity, before you find yourself inhaling the grey water-like shame

for a diamond was once the aftermath of a deeply rooted explosion

as a lotus flower once was no higher than the surface

n' be forever brave as the wind, evolving as the sky masks dark

seek outside of your comfort, that cup of coffee you guzzle every time the rooster crows

the blanket you hold onto with seems held by the skin of of ones teeth

when the dishes are all but done, put on that song hanging in length on your radio and dance with the plate in your hand

make love of loss and love when lost, and find yourself loving the little things

in the end, we only are to regret the chances we did not take

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