Inspired by Rose

Describe a place of complete tranquility.

Whether this is a real location, or a fantasy scene, immerse your reader in a sense of tranquil bliss. Try to consider not just your descriptive language, but the tone and atmosphere you can portray here.

Jayce’s First Wish

Walking barefoot with my sleeping baby wrapped to my chest, I hunt for flowers and leaves with my four year old son, Jayce. It’s late morning and the sky is crystal clear and welcoming as if to greet us on this beautiful new day. Honeysuckle flowers fill the air with their sweet, earthy scent-one of my favorites at this time of year. As I listen to the birds serenading each other in the tree tops, I soak in the sun and silently thank Mother Nature for all she has selflessly given to us. The gentle summer breeze lifts the bottom of my skirt, the hem dancing along the grass. “Look, Mommy!”, Jayce says. “Look what I found!”. I smile at him and kneel down to get a closer look at his new treasure. “That’s a dandelion”, I tell him. “Close your eyes and make a wish, then blow on it as hard as you can”. He shuts his eyes for a moment before exhaling with a comically exaggerated blow. The little white wisps got carried away by the wind as Jayce giggles and tries to catch them with his hands.

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