First Hit

She had the perfect disguise, masking her short dark hair with long golden locks and finalizing her makeup as she walked into the crummy 1 star hotel. Jamie knew her target only from his profile papers, but based on all the nights spent at bars and strip clubs she knew he could easily be seduced. Her months of digging for info was finally about to pay off; all she needed to do was get him alone, then she could kill him and cover her tracks. The big business owner Tom Jones, that had left countless people jobless to die on the streets, would finally pay his debt. Jamie went up to the desk clerk, “Reservation for Daisy”. She almost puked every time she had to use that cover name on this hit it was so cheesy, but almost every girl Mr. Jones has taken back to his hotel room after a drink or two had lengthy blonde hair and a connection to flowers in her name. Jamie got her room key, room 374, right across from Mr. Jones’. All she needed to do now was wait in her room until he left for the bar, tail him, then seduce him.
