Submitted by Klee

A character becomes friends with the grim reaper, and sees the worlds of both the living and the dead.

Expired Lives

“Hello, what would you like to order?”

As you approached the fast food counter, you weren't listening to that fast food lady. Instead, your eyes lingered on the figure beside her. It wore the same uniform as the rest of the staff, but its face was completely dark except for two disconnected eyeballs that floated freely in front of its gaping face.

It handed you a free burger in the end, so you think that it was worth it.

As for Death himself, you don't think he eats.

You had the feeling he wished he could though judging from the way he eyed the fries in your hands.

Ever since that fateful meeting at the bridge to the afterlife, Death has been following you around everywhere. He hasn't had any living friends in a while, and you doubted that many spirits were fond of him.

It gets a little unnerving that every day, there's a hooded skeleton watching your every move. You got used to it though.

What were you going to tell him? You don't think he understands you anyway, not that he could tell you otherwise. He couldn't talk.

Yet, you'd like to say he's become something close to a friend. At least the closest thing to being friendly amidst the new world that's been opened to you in the past month.

Beside the parents weeping at their lost child’s grave, the flickering image of a five year old would be hugging their legs tightly. You weren't sure they understood why they were so sad.

The blacked out old lady would watch her grandchildren play in the playground every day after school, sat down on the bench along with the pigeons.

Ravens would pass over the buildings carrying the swaddled unborn babies who slept peacefully within their warm blankets. The older toddlers would laugh, amused by the view.

Then there the ones who had nothing to look forward to by the time they passed, they spend their days sitting on the street, staring at the floor as if the only thing left for them was a permanent end that they’ll never receive.

Then there was the empty schoolhouse, with a lone birthday cake still sat at the front desk. Oliver still scares you.

There was the garden of roses that a lady still visited every day to take to her deceased partner, who always appreciated them even if she didn't know.

They all live their lives in the past.

You weren't sure what kind of a person you'd want to be by the time you leave.

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